Wednesday, June 1, 2011

a massive melly week!!!

this week has been a huge one for missy melly

♥the melly boys logo, business cards, banners and clothing labels were finalised
♥the missy melly website was finalised and launched
♥i have employed an assistant
♥we reached 3000 likers on facebook
♥i have received a huge amount of orders
♥we have family visiting from america
♥i'm off to daylesford for a weekend away with a bunch of girls for a craft retreat
♥we're all getting over a terrible cold
♥the blog has had a revamp
♥i've been high and low, high and low
♥and today i was so so excited to get my hands on a copy of the winter edition of My Child magazine because my cherry wallflower reversible jacket has been featured as part of their winter fashion shoot... there it was... a whole page feature!!! i'm so blown away... here's my dodgy iphone pic that i took :)

what do you think???

have gorgeous evening

Shan xxx
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