Monday, April 30, 2012
i am back! i'm not sure that anyone has noticed that i'm gone or cares that i'm back but here i am
2012 is the year of putting me up the list a little higher than the rock bottom i put myself at last year... so things have had to give way to my new way and for awhile my blog got shifted down this list
but here i am... so what have i been up to?
i have
♥ regained balance in my life
♥ lost 12.5kg, 70+cm and 2 sizes
♥ started running and now can complete 5.5km without stopping
♥ joined the gym, started doing pump, zumba and boxing and am LOVING it
♥ spent more quality time with my family and friends
♥ registered to do my first fun run EVER
♥ started asking for more help
♥ been to the beach as many times as i can
♥ decluttered some of my house
♥ started planning a trip to Japan
♥ been looking at schools for my girls
♥ designed a new range of clothing for missy melly
♥ so much more
it's good to be back... i'm not sure how often i'll be here... i'm going with the flow more this year
have a gorgeous day
shan x

Well done to you !!
A 12.5 kg loss is fantastic as is the list of things you have accomplished in 2012.
I noticed you were gone ;)
Good to see you back, I have missed reading your blog posts.
I to joined the gym too and I'm loving it! I have lost 17 kilos in 12 weeks and feel fantastic for it. Still working on the whole balancing act but getting their slowly
Welcome back Shan :)
Here is to 2012 being about US! the Mummas who constantly put ourselves last. I started out on a similar journey mid way though last year and hope to keep up this year too. Best of luck with 2012, you have already achieved so much! Fee x
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